About us

What is the Pukekohe Business Association?

The Pukekohe Business Association (PBA) is a not-for-profit organisation registered as an incorporated society under the Incorporated Societies Act.

We provide a wide range of services for members including the promotion of Pukekohe as a hospitality, shopping & business area, hosting events to attract people to the precinct as well as regular member communication.

A key role of the Association is the liaison and engagement with Auckland Council and other authorities to bring about improvements to the area and lobby for the interest of the businesses.

On this page, you will find information about the below:

The Pukekohe Business Association (PBA) is committed to the success and economic development of Pukekohe and the local businesses.

About the PBA

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The PBA is committed to the success of local businesses. We promote prosperity in Pukekohe by encouraging growth, development, and sustainability. We do this by working closely with business owners, the council, and the community, to enhance business success and growth. 

Read about how we promote, support and advocate for business in Pukekohe, and encourage the economic growth and development within our region.

Click here to read more

Key info

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Here you can read about our PBA team, our constitution, our AGM and more.

Our vision is that Pukekohe provides the best of town and country, with thriving businesses supported by a strong business association and quality opportunities to live, learn, work and play


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The PBA is funded by a targeted rate that is applied to buildings on commercially zoned land. Any business that owns or operates from a commercial building within the BID Zone in Pukekohe is eligible for free membership.

For those businesses who are not eligible for free membership, businesses can apply to be an Associate Member. There is an annual fee per year and all business applications are presented to our executive committee and approval is at their discretion. Associate members have limited membership benefits and can not vote at our AGM or stand on the committee. We also have membership options for landlords who own property within the BID zone.

We encourage all eligible members and landlords to join the PBA as there are many benefits and opportunities available to them.
We see Pukekohe as the business, commercial, and community hub of Franklin and aim to ensure it retains its distinctive country feel.

Applying for Membership

To gain full membership, you need to contact the office and complete and return the Association’s membership registration form, or complete the online application form.

Associate Membership

The PBA has an Associate Membership available for businesses that fall outside our BID map area with an annual membership fee. Please get in touch with us to find out more about the benefits and how to become an Associate Member.

Voting Rights

All registered Full members are eligible to vote at the PBA Annual General Meeting (AGM) or any Special General Meetings, and are eligible to be nominated and accepted as Board Members of the Association.

Click here to register as a member

Benefits of being a member

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Here a just a few benefits of becoming a member of the Pukekohe Business Association.

To read more about how the PBA can support you click here

The Pukekohe population is projected to grow to over 50,000 people in the next 20 years.

Supporting Pukekohe into the future

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To make sure Pukekohe grows in a planned and sustainable way, Auckland Council and the Franklin Local Board have asked Eke Panuku to deliver urban regeneration to help create a vibrant, competitive, safe and walkable town centre, with better access to employment, education and healthcare.

Eke Panuku will be working in Pukekohe to deliver this for the next five to 10 years.

Eke Panuku's strategic plan for Pukekohe - Kia Puawai a Pukekohe - outlines how they will implement regeneration in the short, medium and long term.

Get in touch with us

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Or email us at: